Lot 2 renderings
Here are two new rendered images (completed in-house) of the new residence design for lot 2. A two-story 2400 sf home over a garage and basement ADU. Both the house and the ADU have green space facing decks
Here are two new rendered images (completed in-house) of the new residence design for lot 2. A two-story 2400 sf home over a garage and basement ADU. Both the house and the ADU have green space facing decks
Concept for a hillside lot with a two story … Continued
Concept for a density bonus triplex utilizing the Community Design Standards in lieu of Design Review in the N. Williams neighborhood.
Progress image on another new infill residence with basement ADU, folding window walls on east side decks and large roof deck. Upper deck provides panoramic views south & southwest.
Concept plan for a new Sushi restaurant. Unfortunately, this design did not proceed to construction.
Concept for a remodel and expansion for a local car wash.
A new infill residence with basement ADU, folding window walls on north side decks and large roof deck.
An early 20th century (Chicago style) upgrade and remodel in a wonderfully quaint local College Town. Remodeling the second floor apartments and adding new exiting, sprinklers and ground floor retail updates. Converting commercial storage basement into a pub/restaurant use.
When TRI-MET rendered this transfer docks’ original function obsolete with the growth of the Milwaukie Light-rail, we came up with a couple of concepts for reuse. The one below is the concept the owner selected. Great 500sf studios with lots … Continued
The street, storm water and other infrastructure is now complete. Lots are available for our wonderfully modern and efficient designs.